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ATMs in Japan differ from ATMs in other countries. Many ATMs close very early on weekends, so make sure that you have access to some cash before going out on the weekend.

Banking terms

普通預金 futsuu yokin regular savings account
湯便貯金 yuubin chokin postal savings account
通著 tsuucho bankbook
カード暗証届 kaado anshou todoke PIN
振替 furikae automatic bank transfer
自動口座振替 jidou kouza furikae automatic bill payment

ATM buttons

お取り扱い中 otoriatsukaichuu in operation
使用中止 shiyou chuushi out of order
通帳挿入口 tsuuchou sounyuuguchi insert bankbook
お引き出し ohikidashi withdrawal
お預入 oazukeire deposit
man ten thousand
sen thousand
照会 / 記帳 shoukai / kichou balance inquiry
振り替え入金 furikae nyuukin transfer funds
紙幣挿入口 shihei sounyuuguchi deposit money here
確認 kakunin confirmation button
訂正 teisei correction button
取り消し torikeshi cancellation button

How to check your balance (bank card not necessary)

  1. Press 通帳記人.
  2. Insert bank-account booklet open to page you want printed.
  3. Don’t forget to take booklet when done!

※ If your account booklet fills up, ask your bank teller and they will make you a new one.

How to make a withdrawal

  1. Press お引きだし.
  2. Insert bank card.
  3. Insert your 4-digit PIN: ****.
  4. Enter yen amount (i.e., 20,000円=2万) and press [円].
  5. Press 確認 = Correct or 両替= Change.
  6. Press 明細票発行 = Withdraw Funds AND Print Balance

or 取引終了=withdraw funds (end transaction).

  1. Take money, card, and receipt.

※ At anytime press red button 取消 to CANCEL your transaction.

How to do a bank transfer

The example provided below is for paying bank-to-bank transfer using a cash card and an ATM. This is called furikomi (振り込み) in Japanese. Japanese people tend to use furikomi instead of checks.

  • Step 1: Choose transaction: Select 振込み (furikomi).
    • NOTE: The message 'Cash Card transaction only!' may appear, indicating that at this ATM you can make transactions using a cash card only. Also, if it's after 3 p.m., a message will appear on the screen saying, 'The transfer will be completed the next working day. If this is acceptable, select 確認 (kakunin - confirm).
  • Step 2: Insert Bank Card and enter your (4-digit) PIN ****.
  • Step 3: Enter amount of money in yen.
    • Enter the amount of money that you'd like to send.
    • Select 円 (yen) after the figure has been input.
    • Select 確認 to go to the next step.
  • Step 4: Using a transfer card?
    • If you don't have a transfer card, select 振り込みカードを使わない (furikomi kaado o tsukawanai).
    • If you have used this ATM before and have a transfer card for the payee, select 振込みカードをを使う (furikomi kaado o tsukau) and insert the transfer card into the slot. (If this is the case proceed to Step 9).
  • Step 5: Enter home phone number (starting with the area code).
    • Example: 03-9999-9999.
    • Select 確認 to go to the next step.
  • Step 6: Choose bank/branch name
    • Choose the payee's bank from the list on the screen. To do this you have to know the bank's name in Kanji. Select the bank's name and then choose the branch. From the あいうえお(aiueo) chart, you have to select the first hiragana letter of the branch name.
      • Example: If it's a 秋田(Akita) Bank, you select あ (a) then you will see on the screen a list of branch names starting with あ(a). For example, 秋田(Akita), 愛知(Aichi), 青森(Aomori), etc. Hokuto Bank would start with ほ (ho).
    • From here, you should select the payee's branch name.
    • Now choose the type of the account.
      • 普通預金(futsu yokin) ordinary account.
      • 当座ときん(toza yokin) checking account.
      • 貯蓄預金(chochiku yokin) savings account.
    • Enter the payee's account number. After doing so, select 確認 and proceed to the next step.
  • Step 7: Decide payer’s name.
    • You also have to decide which name you wish displayed in the payee's records indicating that you are the person making the payment.
    • 口座名義人の名前で振り込む - (koza meiginin no namae de furikomu)
      • This is for sending money to the payee using the account name of the cash card you are using. This usually means that you will send the money in your name.
    • 別の名前で振り込む - (betsu no namae de furikomu)
      • This is for sending money to the payee using a different name. Proceed to enter the payer's name by using the (a-i-u-e-o) list. You can also use the alphabet. After you enter the payer's name, select 確認.
  • Step 8: Confirmation screen
    • Now that you have entered all the necessary information, the confirmation screen will appear. Check all the information for each item entered, such as, the payee's name, account type & number, amount, your account information, commission fees etc.
    • If there are mistakes or there is something that you'd like to alter, make the alterations on this screen. Select the item you'd like to change and correct the information you entered. When you have finished, select 確認.
  • Step 9: Decide type of transfer - denshin or bunsho?
    • Choose which transfer you wish to use. (Some ATMs don't offer any other choices other than denshin atsukai).
    • Select either one to proceed to the next Step.
      • 電信扱い(denshin atsukai) means remit money by wire. This is faster than a mail transfer, usually arriving the same day, but more expensive.
      • 文書扱い (bunsho atsukai) means mail transfer. It takes longer, perhaps a working day or two, but is less expensive than a wire transfer.
  • Step 10: Make a transfer card?
    • If you think you will send money repeatedly to the same payee, create a transfer card. It's free and by using this card, you can skip Steps 5 to 8 when making the same transaction next time.
    • Select either one to proceed to the final step.
      • 振込みカードを作る (furikomi kaado o tsukuru) 'please make a transfer card'.
      • 振込みカードを不要 (furikomi kaado fuyo) 'there is no need for a transfer card'.
  • Step 11: Final Step
    • At this stage, a message should appear on screen asking in Japanese, "Would you like to make another transaction now?"
      • 継続する  (keizoku suru) Yes I'd like to continue. and return to Step 2.
      • 終了する (shuuryou suru) No, I'm finished .

You are now finished!

NOTE: If the screen doesn't change to the next step after you enter all the necessary information, you have probably forgotten to press Confirm.

Making a transfer with Wise (TransferWise)

In order to use TransferWise for bank transfers, you will need to send them a photo of your Residence card and your My Number card. Your CO or BoE may already have your My Number card, which they keep on file in the office. If neither you or your schedule have your My Number card, you must apply for one through your local city office.

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Banks Banking in Japan • Paychecks • ATMs • GoRemit • Post Office Remittance • Western Union
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